Moving forward and making progress begins with understanding the past. Unfortunately, most American students begin idolizing colonization as young as first grade. They learn the cheery story of the supposed "first Thanksgiving", the triumphant victory in the American Revolution, and that slavery ended 250 years ago. They learn the Civil War was about state's rights but not that the Reconstruction period after was a period of powerful African American success. They learn that racism and inequality are a thing of the past when they are present in everyday life and inherent is the systems that continue in our society. Their education is sorely lacking: they do not learn the extent to which this country was built on stolen land, on the backs of enslaved African Americans and immigrants. Their role models are wealthy white men, with minimal influential women and people of color.
According to a 2017 study, only 53% of Americans believe the Civil War was about slavery. This poll highlights the gross misinformation our students are learning! Additionally, only 15% of 8th-grade students in a 2018 NAEP test were proficient in history. This number has remained nearly the same since 1994, proving that our education system has not advanced.
Our goal at UnVeiled History is to provide aid to teachers hoping to use more factual information to teach their students. We present our lessons "unveiled " - so not only from the perspective of the Europeans who came to America. We view this type of education as patriotic - concealing and rewriting our country's origin does not show our love for our country. Rather, acknowledging the truth gives us a better opportunity to improve the current state of our country.
We are a team of 5 high school students from across the country who have all grown up in the American education system, which had made us passionate about reforming it.
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Meet the 5 high school students working on this project